A close-knit community is based upon a strong system of communication, 领导, and structure. At 大三巴网赌下注, students practice 领导 and learn through experience. Students help run dish duty crews and campus clean-up teams. 学生也可以领导一个社区俱乐部, 竞选学生会主席, 并申请成为同伴导师, 同伴导师, and/or a member of the CVA chapter of the 全国荣誉学会. Students who hold 领导 positions serve as role models for the rest of the student body. These student leaders also serve a vital role as a communication link between students and 教师 to express opinions, 提供反馈, 效果变化. These and other 领导 opportunities allow our student-athletes to develop the skills needed to be productive members of their community.